Archive for Cuban Cigars

Sancho Panza Bachilleres

Posted in Cigar Reviews, Cuban Cigars with tags , , , , , on February 4, 2010 by DBC

Sancho Panza Bachilleres

From what I’ve read, this particular Sancho Panza is quite rare and not easy to find these days.  The bachilleres was discontinued in 2006.

A little history:

Named for the rustic squire to Don Quixote in Miguel de Cervantes’ famous 1605 novel of the same name, this very old brand was originated by Emilio Ahmsted in 1852.

Wrapper: Cuban
Petite Corona (Franciscos)
Size: 4 5/8 X 40
Draw: Good
Prefect (Grayish black, firm ash)

The first 1/3 of this little cigar had hints of chocolate and spice.

The second 1/3 was leathery with hints of chocolate and cedar.

The last 1/3 was nutty with hints of leather and coffee.

Overall, this was a great, little treat that is medium-bodied.  Small, but packed with flavor and burned slow.  I’ve had a few other sizes in the Sancho Panza line and they have all been terrific!  Sancho Panza is a sold line all the way around.

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Ramón Allones Gigantes

Posted in Cuban Cigars with tags , on November 18, 2009 by DBC
Ramon Allones Cigars

A little history:

There actually was a Ramon Allones, who developed this brand way back in 1837. Originally from Spain, Allones (owner of the La Eminencia factory) was reportedly the first to employ bright, lithographed labels on his boxes, to help set his brand apart.

Wrapper: Cuban
Filler: Cuban
Double Corona (Prominete)
Size: 7.63 X 49
Draw: Effortless
Burn: Excellent – Ash was firm with a salt & pepper coloration
Construction: Superb – The wrapper was very silky with an oily sheen.  Looked like chocolate.

When I first set this cigar on fire it tasted bit young, a slight green taste, but it had a little over two years of age on it.  After getting through the first couple of puffs,  a nice cocoa and spice flavor was released that lasted the first inch or so.

For the second inch or so, I was thrown some heavy spice and the smoke was very rich and thick.  At this point the cigar is still medium to full-bodied, but more on the medium side.

This is one complex cigar!

The last third offered heavy cocoa and was even more rich.  At this point, it is full-bodied!  And finally, the last inch had a charred wood flavor and was a little harsh.

Smoking Time: 2 hours

Final thoughts: This is one complex, rich, flavorful cigar.



